The Sherman Players Support WSHU Public Radio

Meet our new friend… And listen out for The Sherman Playhouse…  

If you’re tuned in to WSHU Public Radio over the next few weeks you might just hear a familiar name!  
We’re proud to be lending our support our local NPR station, and in turn they’re letting the listeners know all about us and PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, from today and through the run.

In addition you’ll also find the show listed in WSHU’s calendar of events!…/pride-and-prejudice-written-by…

We think THE SHERMAN PLAYERS and WSHU make a great team!
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE  runs from September 15 through October 7.
Performances – Fridays and Saturdays at 8.00 pm, and with two matinees on Sunday Sep 24 and Oct 1 at 2.00 pm
Tickets are on sale now at
Also don’t forget our half-price Preview Night, Thursday September 14.  All tickets are $12 and are only available at the door.
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