Our highly popular PLAYHOUSE KARAOKE NIGHTS are back for 2024!

2023 saw us take some tentative steps into an activity close to Technical Director Al Chiappetta’s heart.  Al’s a regular performer at karaoke nights around the area, so when, early last year, we were discussing how to make more diverse use of the Playhouse he raised his hand…  Sherman Players President Steve Stott said, ‘If you can make it work, Al, then go for it.’  Which is just what he did, and we’re delighted!

Steve says, “Our Main Stage productions are the backbone of what we do, but in between those performances the Playhouse could be playing host to so much more.  The Sherman Players is a community organization and we’re always thinking of new ways to engage with our neighbors and make best use of our great facilities.  Last year we dipped our toe in the water with karaoke and the Special Presentations – their success means that in 2024 we’ll be jumping in with both feet with more events and activities than ever!”

So, as they say, ‘Why just sing in a bar, when you can PERFORM on our stage!‘  Come along on Saturday Jan 13th from 8pm for our first Playhouse Karaoke Night of 2024.   Doors open at 7.30pm, $5 suggested donation for admission with the usual Playhouse refreshments available for purchase through the evening.

Whether you’re a Crooner or a Kroaker, it’s a fun, friendly and supportive evening for all, hosted by Big Al (his version of ‘Godzilla’ is absolutely…) and Jim Fairchild of Summit Entertainment (no mean singer himself!)

And look out for more karaoke dates as we work out our 2024 schedules.  Also, if you’re a playwright or local actor, watch this space for further details of our Cold Lemonade Reading Series, which kicks off on Jan 27th.

The Sherman Players Great theatre (and fun entertainment) is closer than you think!

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