Drama, Laughs and Music Ahead!

2023 has been a very successful season for The Sherman Players, and our main stage selections for 2024 are set to build on that success.

We announced our lineup at the closing performance of Wreck The Halls and are delighted to get the word out here and on social media too.  Join us at the Playhouse for a season encompassing British Farce, contemporary heartfelt comedy, a triptych of 1950’s noir tales, and fabulous musical theatre.

Returning Directors Dan Friedman (The Underpants), Michael Frohnhoefer (Pride and Prejudice) and Bradford Blake (Cabaret, Carrie, Wreck the Halls) are joined by Playhouse newcomer Terry Sagedy.  Terry is no stranger, however, to local audiences, having been active in regional theatre for some years, directing shows at many of our sister theatres in the area.  Welcome to the far reaches of the Fairfield County map, Terry!

Performance schedules and audition details will follow very soon – keep an eye on this website, social media and local press for information. Why not take the opportunity to subscribe to our email list and get updates straight to your inbox. (see the foot of this page – we promise we won’t inundate you with spam!)

We kick off in Spring with the rollicking British farce HABEAS CORPUS by Alan Bennet, Directed by Dan Friedman.

Summer brings EVELYN IN PURGATORY a contemporary comedy described as ‘The Breakfast Club for Public School Teachers’, written by Topher Payne and directed by Terry Sagedy.

Fall sees the return of Michael Frohnhoefer directing RED HERRING by Michael Hollinger – three interwoven stories of relationships, mystery and the bomb!

And what’s better for the cold winter nights than a wonderful, feel-good musical comedy?  How about one brought to you by Bradford Blake!  Brad’s back at the playhouse and he’s joined by Music Director Charles Smith as they stage ONCE UPON A MATTRESS, Rodgers, Barer, Thompson and Fuller’s hit Broadway take on The Princess and the Pea!

And this isn’t all we’ve got planned for 2024

We’re busy putting the finishing touches to something a lot of people have been asking for, and that we haven’t been involved in for quite some time….  Once we’ve dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s we’ll be ready to announce the exciting news.

You can be sure we’ll also be continuing our highly popular Karaoke Nights, hosted by Big Al Chiappetta and featuring Jim Fairchild’s Summit Entertainment.  Their next one will be Saturday January 13th.

Then as the New Year gets underway we’ll be telling you about even more events – readings, workshops, presentations….!

It’s going to be another busy and fun year!

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