Our COVID -19 Health Protocols

Policy updated 04/15/2023

The Sherman Players are committed to keeping the Playhouse a safe and healthy place to be.   

This means understanding that certain precautions are necessary in order to create an environment in which everyone feels comfortable and safe. The following protocols have been established with the well-being of our audience, cast, crew, and volunteers in mind. 

*Our health protocols are subject to change based upon frequent review of current conditions, updated guidelines from the CDC, Broadway and CT theatre policies, and local officials. 


Face masks are optional for Patrons while in the auditorium but are recommended
A properly worn mask completely covers the nose and mouth, is secured to the head, and fits snugly against the side of the face. 

If you have purchased tickets but are uncomfortable with our current policy we will be happy to issue a refund.

PLEASE, STAY HOME IF YOU DON’T FEEL WELL. If you have had any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days or been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus in the past 10 days, please do not attend your scheduled performance. Contact us and we will exchange your ticket for a later date.


  • All volunteers, actors, directors  and crew are required to be fully vaccinated.
  • The theatre receives regular cleaning of all surfaces and common areas.
  • Bathrooms are equipped with touchless soap and hand towel dispensers.
  • Hand sanitizers are located throughout the building for your use.
  • The theatre’s HVAC system has been serviced and our air filters have been upgraded to MERV-13 filters as recommended by the CDC and ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers)

Policy updated 04/15/2023


For further information please contact us via email at admin@shermanplayers.org or via the contact us panel on this page